View Profile Spoony-McSpoon

148 Movie Reviews

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This is animation!

This what animation should be like, just pure brilliance!

not the world's greatest movie

I always see this movie being rated incredibly highly, I must say it was good but not the best in the world as many of your reviewers think.
The animation wasn't incredible but it works well with the style you have.
There was some humorous scenes but not there wasn't very many good jokes.
I keep noticing your movies suddenly become 1,2& 3 in portal every so often. Seems a bit fishy to me.
Overall this was a good movie but not the best thing I've ever seen on NG.


Yes, this is a movie. Have a 10!


Another anti-foamy movie! YAY!
Making fun of foamy= all tens!
I hate foamy too :)

TobaccoClock responds:

thank you so much lostbasement :) i'm glad you liked it!

Good attempt

There is no way in hell that is frame by frame. Frame by frame is each frame drawn indivisually.
That wasn't very long for 766.7kb, you could have used the entire song for 766.7kb if you lowered the bit rate.
The characters were drawn to suit your style and look pretty good but were very easily animated. Especially if you used each character on their own layer. 2 days must not have been the full time to make it, only a few hours would be needed to animate that.
There are Five members of ACDC. I'm guessing you have intended Famine to play bass. Your bass part seems much more like the other guitar part. I know it's only a movie and it doesn't matter but you did try to animate the guitars to seem like realistic playing, even though Famine suddenly does the horns symbol whilst playing.
Characters in hoods never seem right when they are animated to sing loud voice parts. It is always best to show mouth movements in loud singing parts.
ACDC are brilliant so you get a 10 for sound, even though this doesn't do them justice.
You get a 6 for style since this doesn't fit in with the rest of the series, this is more promotional. The characters animation do fit in with each other though.
The ending could be alot better, haven't the characters suddenly get blown up is just saying that you couldn't be bothered to finish or think of a real ending.
Overall 6, a good attempt but needs some rethinking.

GooLock responds:

First of all, it is frame by frame. everything but the lights. Some is copy and pasted, but it's frame by frame. U want proof i can send the the file. Each character and light is on it's own layer, but that's it.

Second, the two days was off and on. Prolly totalled about 12 hrs for the whole movie, with like 60% of it being on death.

The characters were made because that's the way I draw characters, they were made before I intented to make movies out of them.

I had no intent to recreate ACDC, I was using their song. That's it.

The explosion ending was because all I wanted to do was the first verse/chorus. Whole song of just them on stage would be boring, at least in my opinion.

In all honesty, War's guitar was the only one i was really trying to fit the guitar part. Famine was just their cuz he was part of the group, if had a better idea at the time he would have been something other than bass.

Death was the singer because he is the leader of the group. If I wanted a more realistic/cool looking singer I would have done so, but I was keeping with the comic.

Thanks for the input anyways. I will take alot into consideration next time.


NG needs more Creedence Clearwater Revival.


Age 35, Male


Jesus' techno colour rainy day


Joined on 4/29/03

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