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lol, he got hit in the balls

Best one yet, much longer than the other ones. can't wait for the next part.

Holy-Howard responds:

There will be a fifth Part.
I promise :D

damn heartless..

how can you be so damn insensitive? When Bassclock made 'For Damon' he was trying to express his feelings and give himself with comfort, Bassclock even insists not to vote high just because Damon died, people voted high because they were touched by a few minutes of pure flash magic,there was something about the movie that moved me and many others inside.

When you made this you spent a fair bit of time and effort into making it but you had no reason to, this movie deliberately is abusive to Damon but why? why not insult Bassclock? Bassclock did make the movie so in theory all insults and abusive should be directed to him, but anyway neither Bassclock or Damon did anything to deserve the treatment you gave them.it is obvious that your trying to be funny with this movie and the movie isn't funny its sad and uncalled for.

Dispite the annoyance your caused, i still decided to vote reasonsibly fairly on this movie.

What is more amazing is that you managed to make four movies about Damon, one is enough to your point.

Your were lucky when the admins only deleted your review for 'For Damon', making the abusive movies is really pushing it, your very lucky that the admins didn't delete your account but when you think about it it's probably worse for you to keep your account because its been ages now and your still hated by many and tons of people abused you.

Stoned-Gorilla responds:

oh nosss I hurt his feeliinggs that means tom must bans me. Just because most dumb fucks at ng hates me doesn't mean I need a ban. People voting 0 on movies like 'adventures with damon', just because they don't like me making fun of a dead guy needs to be banned. Since they aren't voting on the actual quality. wtf were you talking about when you said I took time on this movie. It took like 10 fuckin minutes, most of it is motion tweening a guy on a little motion guide. In my damon series, the most I've spent on was adventures with damon, not this shit.

well I vote SBC lives

SBC must live, since you cannot kill SBC! well you can in a movie, and in real life...but why would you wanna do that!
The sound was good quality but you got most of the clock voices wrong and many of the voices sounded the same.
The script wasn't too good either "I've got a phaser which I like to shock things with, answer my questions or i'll shock you" the line needs to be said fast for it to be funny, otherwise it comes out dull, its one of those lines where speed matters.
But on the plus side the 3D effects were awesome, on the down side when PEN speaks his talking animation is terrible.Back to the plus side the clocks animations were well drawn and the death animations were awesome.
Overall the movie was great but the few things listed above you might wanna improve for the next one.

Jeanzy responds:

thanx for the review, if you know of better voice programs please let me know.. althought there is not much variation in the voices .. there is.. but i agree that it wasn't as good as it should have been.. the next episode will have a quicker pace hopefully.. and yes i need to improve the pen speech.. i was just lazy and he was a rushed mouth job. thanks for the advice.

Finally Guitar on NG!

This is awesome! it's such a brilliant idea!
I wish there was more movies like this on NG.

radioheadrule responds:

Firstly - I'm glad you liked it! I'm definately up for doing more. I've got an update of this one being uploaded over this soon as well as some new ones. I've done Ocarina of Time's Gerudo Valley Theme, A Wind Waker Medley, Metroid Prime's Save Select, Tetris, and some others which you can find in the audio section of newgrounds under my username (check my profile). I've just gotta get round to compiling them like this one!


Eddy had suprisingly few lines this time, but saying that he didn't have all that many in the first part. Maybe you should have shakespeare with a tommy gun kill him off?
I would suggest removing a few characters, too many characters has alot of difficulties.If not remove have to them do seaparate bits like you had Carlos and Byron do in this part when they got lost.

Eshbaal responds:


Well... there would be a hell more characters if I had decided to bring the ENTIRE cast in the movies... and Johnny and Ed won't be in the movies very much... Kat either... they mostly was just there for the plot...


Age 35, Male


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